3 March, 16.00, I’ll be speaking at the Conference suite in the Hospital for Integrated Medicine formally the Homeopathic Hospital, in Great Ormond Street. This about Pain Management and Teach Us to Sit Still.
5 March, 14.45, I’ll be speaking at the Bath Literary Festival.
Strange Love in the North, an essay on Per Petterson, Hugo Claus and Gerbrand Bakker, in the NYRB, June 24, 2010
America First, an essay on contemporary fiction and translation in the NYRB, July 15, 2010
Semantic Polarities in the works of Thomas Hardy and D H Lawrence, in the Italian review Merope
L’impasse de l’Enfant-Jésus: some remarks on Beckett’s bilingualism, in the Italian review Letteratura e Letterature.
The Day is Coming, short story, in the first issue of Little Star, New York
Grey Matter of Words, an essay on language, narrative and the brain, in the first issue of Little Star, New York
The Education of ‘John Coetzee’, NYRB, Feb 11, 2010
Stop It and Act, an essay on Cesare Pavese, LRB, Feb 11, 2010
A new translation of Machiavelli’s The Prince was published with Penguin Classics in July 2009